Friday, January 23, 2009

So it begins

So, about 30 minutes before writing this, I'm lying in bed listening to the drum-tappety-clips from the laptop in the other room. The man behind the typing is a humble lad with too much energy for any of us to keep up with, his name be Drew Wilson. He said he was blogging his thoughts from the day. At first I wondered what the purpose of this was. Why blog? Who reads those? What's their purpose? With questions such as these came answers like: to put thought into writing. Those who write them read them, they help with memory, they can be thought provoking to whoever else might be reading, they can be reminders of previous thoughts, ideas, or conclusions. They share ideas, and they give and receive feedback. Then I thought, why not me.
So now here I am, sitting in front of screen saying nothing yet, but having ideas. I don't know exactly where this blog will go, if I want deep discussion, personal rants, humorous topics, whether I'll hype it for others to read, or keep it to myself as a personal memory bank/journal.
Who knows but God, but hopefully it will be useful, either to me or to any one other person, and if so, then success.

signing out,
Andy Sander

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